Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights as a Source of Recommendations on Fight against Corruption: Prospects for Interdisciplinary Research
- Yury P. Garmaev
- Diana A. Stepanenko
- Roman A. Stepanenko
In the article it is stipulated that some judgments of the European Court of Human Rights not only detect gaps inlegislation as well as in practice of the fight against corruption crimes existing in Russia and other countries, butactually offer methodological recommendations for law enforcement authorities. Therefore, the purpose of thisarticle is to single out, distinctly formulate and make interpretation of this kind of recommendations, particularly– for the criteria of legality of the undercover police operations aimed at exposing the corruptionists, forprovisions on how to implement these measures avoiding illegal provocations and instigating actions. Inconclusion of the study, it is noted that to increase the efficiency of detection and investigation of corruptioncrimes it is necessary to consolidate efforts of Russian and foreign scientists – the representatives of sciences ofanti-crime cycle, in the first place – the penal law, criminalistics as well as operational and search activity.Notwithstanding the significant differences in legal regulation of respective legal relations in Russia, the UnitedStates of America, Great Britain and other countries, the effective methodologies on struggle against corruptionhave much in common in different countries.