Perceived Fairness of Performance Appraisal, Promotion Opportunity and Nurses Turnover Intention: The Role of Organizational Commitment
- Mohammad Rabiul Basher Rubel
- Daisy Mui Hung Kee
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the performance appraisal fairness and promotionopportunity on employee quitting intention with the mediating effect of organizational commitment. Across-sectional design was employed to investigate the relationship in a sample of 150 full-time nurses employedin different private hospitals. Partial Least Square path modeling, a variance based techniques of SEM wasemployed to test the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate the significant negative effects of perceivedfairness of performance appraisal and promotion opportunity on nurses’ quitting intention and organizationalcommitment. Further, organizational commitment is found having a significant effect on nurses’ turnoverintention and as a partial mediator in the relationship between both performance appraisal fairness and nurses’turnover intention and promotion opportunity and nurses’ turnover intention.