Fear and Anxiety in the Children Suffering from Infantile Cerebral Palsy and Raised in Families with Various Parental Subsystems
- Anna Ivanovna Akhmetzyanova
The education of the special needs children has been in the very focus of attention in our country in recent years.The inclusive education concept got a vast popularity and has already started to be intensively implemented intothe Russian upbringing process. Though, it is necessary to take into account plenty of various nuances. Thechallenge of psychological peculiarities of the special needs children is one among the above mentioned. Thepresent article is dedicated to the children suffering from infantile cerebral palsy (ICP), whereas this disease issomething special within the classification of the muscular-skeletal system disorders in children. It is amulti-factorial disease that combines different variants of mental developmental disabilities. Primary school agecoincides with the first perception of one's disability. The history of illness complicates, the situationalbehavioral disorders are closely interconnected with psychoorganic ones; cerebroasthenic, apathy-adynamic andhyperdynamic types are the most often among them. The necessity of accommodation and socialization amongthe schoolmates are added hereto together with study load, etc. On the basis thereof, the hypothesis wasdeveloped that the ICP primary schoolchildren have a high level of anxiety and fears. For proving that and alsoin order to reveal the peculiarities of the anxiety and fears, if any in such children, the present research has beenperformed. It has been also fixed that the ICP children are brought up in the families with various parentalsubsystems, as a part of this study. To that end, the parallel was drawn between the anxiety level, fearspeculiarities and family structure, where the child is brought up.