Conception, Technology and Methods of Development of University System of Innovation Projects Commercialization Based on Effectuation
- Vladimir Dmitrievich Kolychev
- Igor Venyaminovich Prokhorov
This paper is concerned with the problems of effectuation using innovation management for high-tech start-ups in the case of MEPhI. As a rule we are talking about successful projects developing in University context taking into consideration methods of effectuation and tutoring for their finalization. The object of investigation is the innovation project life-cycle development methods applied to the effectuation methods and techniques. Using effectuation approach we could tell also about life-cycle of successful small and medium enterprises based on innovation project’s development using some technologies of effectuation on each stage of life-cycle. The correct and appropriate methods of effectuation are important for venture investment’s decision making in uncertain environmental conditions. The authors are proposed some improved methods of commercialization process of perspective innovative projects in the context of effectuation.Taking into account the author’s experience in innovation projects commercialization, some methods of promotion and successful innovations planning in the case of ectuation are considered.