The Processes of Technocratization in the Profession of the Designer
- Irina Vladimirovna Khristoforova
- Vladislav Grigorievich Kovalev
- Tatiana Nikolaevna Arkhipova
- Olga Aleksandrovna Sireischikova
- Dina Rafikovna Makeeva
In a review article of the authors of a number of publications in the field of arts and design environment based onthe content analysis of publications by foreign and Russian experts in the field of design, design-design anddesign thinking is estimated the place and role of the profession of the designer in modern society. Analyzes theepistemology of the notion of "design" and such related concepts as "design-design", "design study", "designthinking". Explores the problems of correlation of scientific and creative component in modern design-the designand discusses the processes associated with technocratically creative professions, followed by "technicalextension of the person", received a special urgency in connection with the development of computer technology.The article reveals the unity and conflict between personal and technocratic in design, is a prominentrepresentative in some other creative or creative professions. The authors stress that the creative professions areat the intersection of science and art and require creative search and detailed analysis, using the achievements ofmodern science. They form the environment surrounding a person, defining its social and individualconsciousness. This technocratization leads not only to the transfer of functions for creating the environment toexternal to man adaptations and tools using the latest computer technology, but also leads to alienation fromman-Creator of the most creative ideas. Thus, the designer can be alienated from his design of the entity. Modernprojective society can deprive a person of independent design, frees him from the need to make the product, toown, manage and control at their own discretion. For him these design function often successfully implementnew engineering technologies. In this connection it is necessary to be aware of both the advantages and thedangers inherent to the process of creation of scientific-technical progress.