The Essence and Characteristics of Investment Processes in Small Innovative Enterprises
- Yury Anatolievich Doroshenko
- Irina Vladimirovna Somina
- Sergey Alexandrovich Komissarov
- Svetlana Yurievna Doroshenko
In this article we paid attention to the essential characteristics of entrepreneurship and its main elements-the subject and object of business activity. We found that the most important feature of a small business it is commercial focus of its activities. Based on a study of foreign and domestic regulatory and scientific literature summarized quantitative and qualitative criteria for the identification of small businesses. Through a comparative analysis with big business representatives identified characteristics of investment and innovation processes in small enterprises from the perspective of the object, the implementation of innovation and coverage areas of activity, the level (degree) of novelty of innovation, its potential prevalence and source of initiation, development and distribution of spheres, factors of production, options for investment and innovation processes. We paid attention to the unity innovation and investment processes in small enterprises, made proposals for the integrated management of these processes in the direction of overcoming the limitations of small business.