Formation of Modern Musician’s Personality in Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution: Complex Approach
- Natalia Anufrieva
- Eugeny Anufriev
- Irina Korsakova
- Irina Slutskaya
- Anna Sherbakova
This article proves the necessity of a complex approach to the formation of the personality of the musician in a modern higher education institution of musical-pedagogical orientation. This approach is due, above all, harmonious nature of the man himself, that combines the moral qualities, cognitive ability, aesthetic taste, communicative orientation, desire for creativity, as well as the huge potential of musical art in the education of the comprehensive person, having the ability to implement the deep essence of the human utpada, maintain and transmit it through space and time. The complex approach is holistic, value-meaning equality of all participants in the educational process of professional activity, the unity of requirements to the content, methods and organizational forms of education.