Impact of Historical-Cultural Tourism on Sustaining Community Tourism: The Case of Kerman, Iran

  •  Fatemeh Shafaei    
  •  Farzaneh Mola    
  •  Badaruddin Mohamed    


Sustainable development has been recently one of the essential subjects in tourism debates. In order to havesustainable tourism in a destination, both visitors and local community must understand and follow the rules ofsustainability while different types of tourism in the destination should be considered as well. This studyinvestigates on historical-cultural tourism in Kerman city in Iran to find out how this type of tourism has affectedthe city’s sustainability with regard to sustainability indicators. A model has been used based on the work of Choiand Sirakaya (2006) who investigated on sustainability indictors for community tourism. Economical, social,cultural and environmental dimensions have been used as the criteria for measuring sustainability. Delphitechnique was used as the method of this study for structuring a group communication process. After four roundsof discussion with the study panel, the most affected indictors of each dimension were addressed by them.Results showed that historical-cultural tourism in Kerman have influenced employment, income, nature ofdemand, host and tourist attitude toward tourism development, community health, cultural site management andeducation, loss of renewable and non-renewable resources, and health of human population.

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