The Evaluation of the Agro-Business Resource Potential in Southern Russia
- Sklyarov Igor Yurievitch
- Sklyarova Yuliya Mikhailovna
- Latysheva Lyudmila Anatolevna
- Podkolzina Irina Michailovna
The article presents the evaluation of the agro-business resource availability reveals the main factors whichinfluence the agricultural industry and market. The author defined that the basis for the stable business activitydevelopment is the resource potential. Its effective use contributes to the increase of the effectiveness ofbranches and sub-complexes of agriculture in the region. The author proves the dependence of the resourcepotential of the material and technical facilities, human resources; the author defines the agricultural capacity inthe agriculture of the region, reveals the dependence of the business activity development of the investmentactivity in the agrarian sector of the region's economy.