Exploring the Factors for Effective Sustainability Reporting: A Survey of Indian Chemical Industry
- Pradip Kumar Mitra
- Vijay Agrawal
- Aurobindo Ghosh
Sustainability reporting is nowadays considered to be an important tool to showcase the environmental socialand economic performance of an organization. Although different frameworks for reporting are available theadoption of reporting are still less in numbers in India. The research paper aims at understanding the perceptionand awareness about sustainability reporting that prevails across the chemical industry in India and also tries tofind the major drivers and impediments of effective sustainability reporting as perceived by the industryparticipants through empirical analysis. The paper also tries to identify the major factors on which the industrywants to report their sustainable performance through exploratory factor analysis. A survey was carried out inGujarat and Maharashtra the two chemical industries infested states of India among the decision makers ofdifferent chemical firms responsible for firm’s reporting of both financial and non-financial performance. Theresearch shows that sustainability as a concept is welcome by the industry but as a reporting process it has failedto reach the desired level of reporting due to its complexity and therefore non acceptance. The research identifiesthe different factors on which the industry wants to report and also finds the most important drivers and themajor problems of sustainability reporting.