Features of Formation of Students Foreign Language Competence in Self-Learning Activity
- Alfiya Minnemukhtarovna Ishmuradova
- Irina Ilyinichna Leyfa
- Gulzida Farshatovna Magadieva
- Lyubov Pavlovna Yatsevich
- Marina Alexandrovna Demyanenko
- Regina Borisovna Khismatullina
This article is aimed to identify characteristics of the formation of students foreign language skills in the processof self-learning activity. It is proved that foreign language competences are formed as a complex of integratedsteady students education as subjects of self-learning activity including: language, speech, compensatory,educational and informative, socio-cultural, communicative and projecting competences. The article submissionsare of practical value to foreign language teachers in the organization and planning of students educational andself-learning activity aimed to establish and improve their foreign language competence.