The Syllabus of the Regional Component of Professionally Motivational Education Developed for the Students Specializing in Tourism
- Tatyana B. Lisitzina
- Vadim V. Nikonov
- Konstantin B. Ilkevich
- Tatyana G. Ilkevich
- Alfiya R. Masalimova
The development of types and forms of tourism in the regions of the Russian Federation is connected with the socio-cultural and economic transformations of the tourism market, which conditions continuous improvement of the system of professional tourism education at all levels. The expansion of tourism relations and tourism activities in the district, city, region defines the variety of professional tourism education. The article explains the syllabus of the regional component within general and special subjects, determining professional motivation of students majoring in Tourism in Gzhel region of developed folk arts and crafts. It also provides such forms of extracurricular work with the students to promote effective professionally motivational education in the forms of competitions, contests, touristic fairs, Month tourism, meetings with representatives of the actively developing touristic countries, probation in tourism, charity events for Gzhel schoolchildren-the excursions with animation program and others. In general, the results of the pilot work suggest the viability of the proposed syllabus of the regional component in professionally motivational training of the students majoring in Tourism in the region with the developed of folk arts and crafts.