Identification and Prioritization of the Factors Impacting the Social Responsibility of the Extractive Oil and Gas Industries
- Mohammad Reza Abyar
- Hassan Rangriz
Destruction of Ozone layer, increase of earth temperature and climate changes as a result of GHG (Green -House Gasses) are the most significant concerns of the society these days.Since the gas and oil extractive industries can pollute the environment and there are many oil and gas installation near the residential areas, the expectations have to be attended and the local society should consider the limitations as the most challenging issues. This project has been done from Feb 2014 to June 2014 through questionnaires containing 49 effective factors based on the rules of ISO 26000 standards that have been distributed among top and middle managers. Finally the hypotheses have been evaluated by Pearson test based on the presence of a significant relationship between each of 7 variables and the social responsibility of the considered company and then the variables and their structural performances have been ordered by using Friedman test.