Functioning and Development of Target Capitals of Non-profit Organizations
- Elena Bokareva
- Lyudmila Chernikova
- Elena Egorova
- Stella Egorova
The article performs the results of research, functioning and development of target capitals of non-profitorganizations. An overview of legislative base, declaring an order of formation of formation of target capitals,participators of this process and conditions of work of target capital is provided. Analysis of statistic data allowsthe authors to make a conclusion that dynamics of quantity of target capitals remains the same during the lastthree years, at that the main volume of them belongs to the educational sphere. In the world practice, endowmentcan be completed by charity in the form of non-movable assets, stocks, objects of art, etc. In Russia the resolvinglist of charities into target capital was widened just with adoption of Federal Law ‘On introduction of changes inseparate legislative acts of Russian Federation with regard of formation and using of target capital of non-profitorganizations’ of 21.11.2011 N 328-FZ. The article discussed the model of development of Russian targetcapitals (endowmnent-funds). Perspectives of their development and their problems are described. During theresearch it was suggested to divide the problems into two groups: absence of donors, ready to finance thestrategic needs of non-profit sector, should be related to the first group, the second should include length ofoperation, which does not give an opportunity of solving the problem of receiver of financial funds in a shortperiod of time. In the conclusion of the article, it is grounded that for the further development of target capitals inRussia it is necessary to introduce changes both in legislative normative documents and in work of non-profitorganizations.