State Support for Creation and Development of Socially-Oriented Innovative Enterprises
- Valentina Parahina
- Olga Boris
- Tatyana Bezrukova
- Igor Shanin
The article presents an analysis of international experience and of state support of social and innovation activityof organizations and possibilities of its application in Russian enterprises are considered. Internationalexperience of state support for social and innovation activity of enterprises is considered. Socially-orientedinnovative enterprises must be considered as the most important instrument for the development of innovativeenvironment. These companies should primarily provide interaction between the production and public sectors.In modern conditions, one of the key factors of economic development is innovation. Key role in the innovationprocess is given to social oriented innovative enterprises. These companies are the source of innovationinitiatives; they create demand for innovation, responsible for their implementation. The article examines thefactors of innovation activity of socially-oriented enterprises and establishes the reasons hindering rates ofinnovation activity.When selecting the directions of innovative development of individual economic entities it is necessary toconsider many components of both external and internal environment: innovative climate, innovative position,innovative potential and innovative activity.Essential preconditions for increasing the innovation activity of the country, as a whole, are to improve scientific,educational and operational components of the innovation potential.One of the biggest indicators of innovation activity of the economy as a whole is the willingness of enterprises toadopt innovative solutions in its operations. Demand for innovation, both product and technological ones, isdirectly related to the need of modernization, technical re-equipment, reconstruction of existing enterprises.