Descriptive Analysis of Introduction of Innovative Technologies in Forestry
- Oleg Korchagin
- Irina Zinovieva
- Yuliya Popova
The problem of innovative development of the most important area of forestry is reforestation. Established thatquestions the use of innovative technologies in reforestation and afforestation in Russia is still not well defined.One promising avenue is the use of planting material with closed root system (MCS). However, for thedevelopment and practical application of technological innovation requires financial support, due to the high costof produce seed with MCS. As evidence of the economic cost calculation done on the basis of compiledcash-flow sheets on growing seedlings with open and closed root systems and the establishment of forestplantations biennial seedlings ACS and PCL-year seedlings grown in containers with a volume of cells 150, 200,300 and 400 cm3 conditions and non-heated greenhouses. The authors revealed that the main factor of the cost ofseedlings with MCS is the costs for the maintenance of machines and mechanisms, i.e. organization costs ofpurchasing and maintaining expensive greenhouses. It is proved that the cost of producing the annual containerplanting material (MCS) and the subsequent development of forest plantations is not significantly different fromthe receipt of annual and biennial seedlings from bare-root in a greenhouse covered ground, but its practicalapplication in silviculture production gives a whole other opportunities related primarily from a significantreduction in terms of the cultivation of seed and seedlings of high adaptability. It is proved that the establishmentof forest cultures seedlings with MCS is only possible with the support of the state, i.e. through the mechanismof public-private partnerships.