Marketing Mechanism of Consumer Demand for Ecological Products Identification
- Uliana Pozdniakova
- Larisa Ponomareva
- Viacheslav Lapshin
- Alexey Bolotin
- Galina Khmeleva
In the global economy, causing the inefficient use of natural resources, the development of industry productionof genetically modified foods and the reduction of quality agricultural land, info propaganda against thedeteriorating environmental situation becomes larger and modern society increasingly focuses on improving thequality of life of the population. The current socio-economic situation encourages Russian companies to developnew environmentally-oriented approaches to the organization of marketing activities.But in Russia, the institutional environment of the Russian market does not allow environmentally-orientedenterprises to introduce new marketing tools, i.e. it is characterized by inadequate perfect the legal frameworkgoverning the interaction of all stakeholders in this market. Including Russia not adopted legislation onenvironmental labeling, and therefore extend unfair environmentally-oriented advertising and eco-brandingenterprises, industrial and commercial activity which often does not respond positional enterprises environmentalperformance of products. Despite the lack of development of the institutional environment of the market,production and sale of organic products as a relatively advanced segment of the markets of developed foreigncountries and is the premium segment of the market of developing countries, including in Russia. Due to theincreasing environmental food crises of the last decade, increasing worries about the harm of geneticallymodified products, the expansion of state initiatives environmentally-oriented production and trade, Russia'sWTO accession is obvious very promising development of the market of organic products in Russia. However,tools of marketing activities of Russian eco-oriented businesses are also not worked either theoretically orpractically. Recognized only need environmental responsibility before society, and formal areas and forms of itsrealization are virtually absent.The relevance of the study is due to the need of development of methods and tools for environmental marketingas a condition for the development of domestic enterprises competitiveness. The article deals with environmentalmarketing as a tool to control consumer preferences through a marketing mechanism to identify consumerdemand for environmental products and a set of tools to promote products based on the greening of business(office space, product, business principles). The authors propose methods of marketing and statistical research ofconsumer preferences in the market, the use of which allows you to effectively perform market objectives topromote the national environmental products in the regional market, and it is filled with a variety of qualityproducts and competitive child, primarily Russian-made, and create export potential to exit to electronic foreignmarket.