Mechanisms of Support of Export-oriented Small Enterprises: The Regional Aspect
- Ulia Busarina
- Svetlana Morkovina
- Svetlana Budkova
- Elena Kolesnichenko
The article presents the results of research on the state and development of export-oriented small andmedium-sized enterprises and the reasons of the incomplete implementation of the export capacity of enterprises.Among the priority constraints on the development of export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises havebeen allocated financial and administrative constraints. The most effective mechanisms to support SMEs aresubsidizing the cost of promoting products to the world market and the compensation of interest rates on exportcontracts. Found that most of the export-oriented SMEs are interested in increasing the share of exports and seekto expand the geography of deliveries, but for the realization of their interests is necessary to improveinfrastructure support. Each regional education puts its emphasis in the export development strategy for smalland medium enterprises. Based on a comparative analysis of the existing Coordination centers of export-orientedSMEs of Russian Federation subjects support, determined the possibility of approximating the existingmechanisms for support of small and medium-sized export-oriented entrepreneurship Voronezh region. Theprocess of ensuring the establishment of effective mechanisms to support export-oriented small andmedium-sized enterprises Voronezh region includes two time periods transient (lasting less than a year) andoperational for over a year.