The Contents and Structure of Innovative Activity in the Russian Economy
- Elena Sibirskaya
- Olesya Stroeva
- Nadezhda Serebryakova
- Innara Lyapina
This article is based on the scientific literature about Russian innovative economy. It has the new conceptualcontent of innovative activity. The works of the native and foreign scientists are investigated and analysed in itand six main schools of sciences are presented there. The concepts of "innovations", "the innovativeenvironment", "the innovative process", "the innovative activity" and their impact on the national innovativesystem are articulated there. In its turn this system has to create legislative and normative bases which interactwith the system of the generation, the distribution, the introduction and the knowledge and results use and alsowith the innovative activity infrastructure, with the education, production and market spheres. Thus we confirmthat the national innovative system has to lead the country to an innovative way as by dint of the nationalinnovative system institutes the innovations have to be concentrated and directed where they are necessary. Also,the questions under consideration of these articles emphasize that the innovations are the main condition of thenational economy economic growth of Russia. The question is carrying-out of priority innovative programs andprojects, an increase of the scientific development use, manufacturing application of fundamental and appliedresearches results. It is important because of the innovative activity in Russia has increased under the influenceof a great demand of scientific and technical products from the state and non-state sector of economy. Also it isimportant to accent that the innovative activity is of territorial natural though the regional innovative processesare inseparably linked with the solution of the national scientific and technological problems.