The Impact of Self-Efficacy towards Training Motivation at Kolej Poly-Tech MARA Kuantan, Malaysia
- Hafizi Giran
- Aziz Amin
- Bahyah Halim
This study aimed to examine the in-depth factors that improve employees’ motivation in training program. The critical variable was discussed on training motivation. Random sampling Method used to gather the data from 120 employees at a single point of Kolej Poly-Tech MARA Kuantan. Regression analysis was used for estimating the relationship among variables. The result shows that self-efficacy has a moderate relationship on training motivation. Since data are based on self-reports, common method bias may affect the relationship among the variables. The study only focuses at KPTM Kuantan that was not involved other branches. The paper contributes to both research and practice by providing support to the department heads and the management on ways to increase training motivation among employees. This paper consider few factors that enable to enhance training motivation at KPTM Kuantan.