Peculiarities of Consumer Behavior Management of Young People in a Metropolis-World Experience

  •  Mihail Nikolaevich Dudin    
  •  Nikolaj Vasil'evich Lyasnikov    
  •  Katrina Benikovna Dobrova    
  •  Nataliya Vladimirovna Vysotskaya    
  •  Evgeny Danilovich Katulsky    


The aim of this work is to detect and identify peculiarities of consumer behavior management of young people with regard to their residence in metropolis areas and regions geographically remote from cultural and geographical centers. Within the framework of the work, theoretical, methodological, and empirical research on the announced topic are carried out through an interdisciplinary approach. As part of the work, the following main conclusions were obtained:• Consumer behavior is an area of scientific and practical research. We consider world consumer behavior in the context of a particular community of systematic components that reflect in an integrated manner a relationship between the demand for tangible and/or intangible goods of individuals in meeting their own needs and all other relevant factors which characterize the selection of goods from the rational or the emotional point of view;• Consumer behavior can be considered as a process as well. In this case, consumer behavior is a sequential formation of a set of needs in tangible and/or intangible benefits by individuals. In the same process methods, forms and mechanisms are formed for meeting these needs by offering to the market a set of authentic goods corresponding to the needs, goods are characterized by certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics and the level of availability for a specific consumer;• Consumer behavior is determined by some factors that are differentiated, as a rule, as factors of the external and internal environment. External factors are socioeconomic determinants; internal factors are determinants of motivation, stimuli for consumption and later are specified from the position of the consumer as a subject or an object (private or corporate consumption). The private mass or individual consumption and the national cultural characteristics or the mentality of consumption are at the forefront and of the greatest interest;• We associate the mentality of consumer behavior with the epitome in the consumption pattern of some stable combination of views, values, norms of behavior and moral norms, which are characteristic for a life of a particular group of people. Consumer behavior can vary from group to group in the same socio-cultural (territorial) or national community, as well as in different socio-cultural (regional) or national communities;• Consumer behavior of young people, who live in metropolitan areas and regions that are geographically remote from the center, is characterized by considerable differentiation. We discovered that the consumer behavior of youth in metropolises on the one hand is influenced by common factors and environmental determinants, but on the other hand, formation of consumer behavior of young people is based on the use of extended screening opinion leaders, at the same time the consumer behavior of youth of metropolises is characterized by sufficient assertiveness, but by desire for innovativeness and goods consumption that have value characteristics.

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