A Structural Approach on Students’ Satisfaction Level with University Cafeteria
- Mui Ling Dyana Chang
- Norazah Mohd Suki
- Nalini A
This study was carried out to identify the relationship between the food quality, price fairness, staff performance, and ambience of the university cafeteria with students’ satisfaction. The survey method was employed in testing the proposed hypotheses via a structured self-administered questionnaire. This survey was conducted in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) and a total of 93 undergraduates were selected for questioning via convenience sampling method. The results were generated by using the Structural equation modeling (SEM) technique via AMOS 21.0 computer program with maximum likelihood estimation. Based on the SEM technique, food quality and price fairness are the two most important dimensions that influence the students satisfaction on café service quality. Next, the students give less priority to staff performance and ambience. The results were differing from the previous study. The university cafeteria should take serious measurement in improving the food quality and price for long term sustainability.