Malaysian National Philosophy of Education Scale: PCA and CFA Approaches
- Shafeeq Hussain Vazhathodi Al Hudawi
- Mohammed Borhandden Musah
- Rosy Lai Su Fong
This study assesses the psychometric properties of the Malaysian National Philosophy of Education (NPE) Scale. The study argues on the grounds of literature obtained that since the emergence of NPE no empirical validation of the scale was performed. As such, the study sampled 230 participants in secondary schools in Kuching, Malaysia to develop and validate the scale. The results demonstrate that the NPE comprises eight distinct factors. The fit statistics of the NPE eight-factor model demonstrate that the model fitted the data. This quantitative scale is deemed as the first of its kind to device the NPE instrument quantitatively, assess the psychometric properties, and establish evidence for composite reliability, construct, convergent, and discriminant validities of the instrument across selected secondary schools. Theoretically, the NPE quantitative measures initiated and contributed a new body of knowledge to the NPE in the context of Malaysia other than the conceptual dimensions proposed by Ministry of Education. Practically, the results provided school principals and the Ministry of Education with appropriate tools to assess the extent to which school teachers translate and infuse the ideas of the NPE in the day-to-day lesson delivery.