Differentiated-Motivation Program as a Re-Socialization Tool of Homeless People
Transformation of social sphere in Slovakia after 1989 caused many changes resulting in extensive reforms in social and economic fields. A new phenomenon of social exclusion and poverty started to occur. Homelessness became extreme form of exclusion. At that time, homelessness was not at the forefront of interest of professionals, as far as there were only rare cases of homeless people. However, continuous economic changes caused significant increase of this phenomenon and suddenly it was necessary to investigate it and find out solutions for elimination of this phenomenon. This paper deals with the possibilities of intervention of homeless people staying in the shelter. We verified potential of selected active measures within the application of differentiated-motivation program both methodologically and by our research. Our findings record fruitfulness of intervention form in the process of re-socialization within a context of finding a job. Our intention was to contribute to searching of more efficient social help for homeless people. We met with positive difference between the differentiated-motivation program and currently offered motivation strategies. On the basis of the results, we recommend to perform interventions verified by research in the work with homeless people. Social work with homeless people is very important, because social workers should be able to ensure new interventions and programs. Regarding the research file and set objective, we used a method of experiment in our research and collected data were evaluated and statistically processed in SPSS program.