Continuity and Change of Political Culture: Study on Scientific Insights and Political Understanding on Politicians of Political Parties in Indonesia
The research problem formulated as follows: (1) How does scientific insight and understanding of politician toward political? (2) In the form of what are the politicians express that understanding and insight in the practice of party politics? This study used a qualitative approach, which is to collect data through interviews (in-depth interview) to politicians of political party. Once the data collected, it will be analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. In conclusion this study will produce a thick description about political understanding of the politicians of political party and how their mission and how they apply that understanding in political practice in the field. After doing research, the results are as follows: (1) in general the party politician of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), the Democratic Party (Demokrat), People's Conscience Party (Hanura), Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Party group work (Golkar) and National Mandate Party (PAN), a political understanding on a practical level, the party associated with the movement (low politics), (2) For PDIP, a political party that is a party and it is a place to formally take power through elections. This is similar to what was said by politicians that the Democrats are the politics party. A political party is a means of struggle and the party is to fight for the people's movement. For Hanura politician, political parties are organized in the form of containers struggle to realize the ideals. Hanura similar to the above statement, Golkar politician understand that politics is a political party or be used as a means of mobilizing the masses by way of approach or method appropriate for support to fight for the ideals or desires appropriate to the mass itself. Gerindra understand political cadres are a political party as a means of fighting for the ideals of the nation embodied in the Pancasila Indonesia. Last informant is politicians of a national mandate party (PAN). Unlike the previous, PAN officials said that politics is not just a mass movement, politics party, and popular movements to another. More than that politics is the willingness to establish justice and equality, and to realize a religious democratic.