A Study of I Saw the Sun Directed by Mahsun KirmizigÜL. To Be at Home or Not to Be at Home!
- Abdol Hossein Joodaki
- Asrin Vajdi
Uprooted from their homelands, Kurds are in the predicament of living in an unhomely world which doesn't offer any reflection of their subjectivity and identity. This study tries to examine the movie, I Saw the Sun, directed by Mahsun Kirmizigül which tells the story of a Kurdish family forced to leave its homeland. The main purpose is to represent the psychological and social effects of unhomeliness on movie's characters and to delve into uncanny nature of movie's characterization, Kadri. It has been tried to challenge the fixed notion of identity and undervalue the binary oppositions which are the basis of the cultural thinking. In this gender-biased Kurdish community, people like Kadri are doomed to violence and death and the study's main focus is on this character's evolution from a naïve outcast into a mature outcast. The study based on Homi K. Bhabha's concepts, uncanny and unhomely offers a new reading of a post-colonial situation in which physically and psychologically unhomed characters live in an incredulous terror and are denied any sense of individuality and identity.