Determinants of Accounting Information Technology Adoption in Syaria Micro Financial Institutions
- Ngadiman Ngadiman
- Dhidi Pambudi
- Dewi Kusuma Wardani
- Muhammad Sabandi
The goal of this study is to develop an accounting information system (AIS) that will positively influence the ease of use and usefulness perception to prepare financial statements according to the Sharia (Islamic law) financial system. It also identifies risks hampering the Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) in adopting AIS. The system used the technology acceptance model as a guideline. The sample consisted of 68 BMTs from the Indonesian regencies of Klaten, Boyolali, and Sleman. Data were collected with a questionnaire that used a 1-4 score Likert scale. Data were analyzed through partial least squares (PLS) that cover: outer model evaluation in the form of convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability testing. The test of the structural model was performed with R2. Hypothesis testing viewed the magnitude of the structural path coefficient. Intention was directly influenced by attitude, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. The system quality, relevance, and compatibility were important determinants in the perception of usefulness and ease of use, whereas interface characteristics in the form of exploring power, screen design, and terminology were makers of ease of use. Performance risk, finance risk, and security risk were hampering factors for BMT in adopting the AIS. On the other hand, time risk and social risk were deemed unimportant by BMT.