The Mediating Role of Procedural Justice in Formalization-Affective Commitment Relationship
- Khwanruedee Tuntrabundit
- Varoon Tuntrabundit
This study aims at empirically testing the mediating role of procedural justice in formalization-affective commitment relationship. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 405 full-time employees working in Thailand. A regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses, and Baron and Kenny’s (1986) recommendations were employed to explain the mediation hypothesis. The results indicated that the procedural justice mediated the relation of formalization and affective commitment. This study has extended the theoretical knowledge of justice and employee commitment in Thailand’s context. In particular, this study examined procedural justice as a mediate variable to analyze the relationship between formalization and affective commitment. The executive can apply the findings of this study to increase employee commitment through clear policy and standard regulations that are applied to everybody in the organization. This will lead to, in the part of the employees, justice and employee commitment.