Technology Acceptance on Smart Board among Teachers in Terengganu Using UTAUT Model
- Arumugam Raman
- Yahya Don
- Rozalina Khalid
- Fauzi Hussin
- Mohd Sofian Omar
- Marina Ghani
The purpose of this study is to seek the acceptance level of Smart Board among teachers in schools based on the construct presented by the UTAUT Model (Venkatesh et al., 2003). 68 questionnaires were distributed to respondents who are teachers in five schools in the Besut District. These schools are among the many schools that are provided with Snmart Boards by the Terengganu government. The questionnaire consists of 4 items on demography, 19 items related to the usage of Smart Boards which uses the Likert Scale. The respondents were teachers who are familiar with using the Smart Boards. The data was analysed using SPSS to get the descriptive statistics and SmartPLS to find the coefficient correlation. The findings showed that there is positive significant influence between the Performance Expectancy factor (?=0.569, p<0.01) and the Facilitating Conditions factor (?=0.295, p<0.01) towards Behavioural Intention with the value of R2=0.72. Both the Performance Expectancy and the Facilitating Conditions factors showed that 72% of the teachers have Behavioural Intention to use the Smart Board during their teaching and learning process. Further study on the acceptance of Smart Board either among the teachers or students are vital because there are not many study has been and this technology is still new in Malaysian schools.