Geopark Ecotourism Product Development: A Study on Tourist Differences
- Mastura Jaafar
- Aleff Omar Shah Nordin
- Shardy Abdullah
- Azizan Marzuki
This study is to explore the tourists’ perceived satisfaction on tourism products and services offered in Kilim Geopark. Tourism development in Kilim Geopark has been spurred by an active involvement of the local community and the assistance of the local government. Marketing initiatives taken by the local government, together with community cooperation, have successfully attracted an increasing number of tourists to visit Kilim Geopark. The influx of international and local tourists every year resulted in a dilemma between environmental sustainability and economic benefits to the local community. Nevertheless, the high economic yield from the tourism activities is determined by tourist satisfaction. The data were collected questionnaire survey where respondents have been met directly. Using random sampling approach, the questionnaires were distributed to the visitors randomly. The target respondents in this research were visitors of Kilim Geopark, including both domestic and international tourists. During the survey period, only a total of 341 tourists completed the questionnaires. A significant difference was found among the satisfaction with ecotourism product and services of three groups of Kilim Geopark visitors. In many cases, international tourists reported high satisfaction levels compared with local travellers and those coming from ASEAN countries.