The State of Social Studies in Basic Education Schools in Oman
- Saif Al-Maamari
- Mohammed Al-Nofli
- Zainab Al-Gharibi
This study explored the state of social studies in basic education schools in the current reform. Particularly, it explored teachers’ preferred rationales for teaching social studies, content areas emphasized in the social studies curriculum, instructional methods used by teachers, and the importance of social studies and other school subjects. Data were gathered by surveys from 451 social studies teachers from all Omani governorates. Findings showed that teachers supported all rationales for teaching social studies in schools. The most emphasized topics were Omani history, geography of Oman, rights and duties of citizens, population education, geography of the Arab world, and environmental education. There was a significant progress in implementing student-centered instructional methods. Unfortunately, social studies was not regarded as an important school subject. Implications of the study were discussed.