Attitudes toward Specific Advertising Media (AM): Informative or Manipulative?
- Azizul Yaakop
- Jane Hemsley-Brown
Attitudes toward advertising in general (AG) is a concept which often raises ethical, social and cultural concerns, and yet in the context of specific media, consumers are often more positive, and find advertising entertaining, thought-provoking, amusing and informative. This paper focuses on attitudes toward advertising in three specific media (AM) (print, television and online advertising) and aims to provide input into the design decisions of an advertising campaign. The survey is based on a sample of 425 Malaysian and international tourists, and one key finding is the positive view that respondents have about advertising in print, online and on television. In terms of attitudes to print advertising, social role and image makes the strongest unique contribution to AP; for television advertising product information makes the strongest unique contribution to explaining attitudes to ATV; and in terms of online advertising, hedonic pleasure makes the strongest unique contribution to explaining attitudes to AO.