The Influence of Self-Talk on Learning Achievement and Self Confidence
- Yusup Hidayat
- Didin Budiman
The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of self-talk on badminton skill, specifically in clear lob learning achievement and self confidence. It was carried out on 64 beginning badminton athletes aged between 10-12 years (mean=10.8), consisting of 32 boys and 32 girls from badminton schools in Bandung, Indonesia. The subjects were divided into three experimental groups and one control group by random assignment. Before getting the treatment, all participants did a badminton clear lob test, then all experimental groups were given the following self-talk treatment (instructional, motivational, and combination of them), and badminton clear lob instructions. The result of data analysis showed that (1) self-talk has a significant influence on badminton clear lob learning achievement and self-confidence, (2) combination of instructional self talk and motivational self talk significantly enhances badminton clear lob learning achievement and self-confidence than instructions and motivational self-talk only, (3) instructional self-talk significantly enhance badminton clear lob learning achievement than motivational self talk, and (4) motivational self-talk significantly enhance self-confidence than instructional self-talk. In general, all experimental groups showed significant enhancement of badminton clear lob learning achievement and self-confidence than control group.