Using Game Approach in Improving Learning Outcomes of Pencak Silat
Pencak Silat lesson requires appropriate motor learning model to improve students skill. Game approach, as one of motor learning model, is intended to improve students’ learning outcomes in Pencak Silat class. The objectives of this research are to improve Pencak Silat lecture, to improve students’ performance, to enhance students’ understanding of pencak silat lecture, and to apply game approach on the learning of Pencak Silat basic skills. This research uses action research method, which consists of several stages such as: planing, execution, observation, report and evaluation, and re-planning. Re-planning stage is the planning stage for the next cycle. On the first and second cycle, student have not been able to gain results as expected. On the third cycle, students’ performance improvement has already achieved maximum target. Researcher found that game approach is able to improve students’ learning outcome of Pencak Silat, increase students’ creativity in terms of motor learning, and create supportive learning environment. Students, individually or in group, are able to explore and create motor learning model with game approach.