Evaluating Learning Outcomes of Sports Skills through Observation
This article focuses on how learning outcomes of sports skills can be evaluated through field observation. The problem arises when the researcher noticed that the ability of physical education teachers in evaluating skills observation is low. There are some factors that influence this ability. The factors are: they cannot differ between cyclic and non-cyclic movement, they are not able to differentiate technical knowledge that is based on quantity or result, and they have less knowledge to apply evaluation through observation. The purpose of this article is to give solution and alternative to physical education teacher in order to conduct a measurement. There are three aspects involved in evaluating a movement. They are: observing, analyzing, and applying. Furthermore, there are three processes involved in learning psychomotor skills, namely, basic learning stage, concentration, and specialization. An individual’s ability to perform a movement task can be differentiated by age difference, purpose and motivation, movement experience, ability, coordination, and training frequency. This article focuses on the ability and coordination of the performer. Some special characteristics of movements such as movement structure, rhythm, connectivity, width, speed, and accuracy of movements will also be discussed.