The Effectiveness of a Crossword Puzzle Game in Improving Numeracy Ability of Kindergarten Children
This research is motivated by the low numeracy ability of kindergarten children in Padang. The children still find it difficult to recognize the numbers, and the learning methods applied by teachers are less varied. This study aims at revealing the effectiveness of a crossword puzzle in improving numeracy ability of kindergarten children. This is a quantitative research with quasi experimental approach to compare between the children’s ability in the experimental class and in the control class. The population of this study is the students of group B at TK Arrahim Padang. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Based on the calculation of the t-test, it is obtained that tcalculated is 2.78, while ttable at the level of confidence (?) of 0.05 is 2.064, so that tcalculated > ttable, then the hypothesis can be accepted. It can be concluded that the use of a Crossword Puzzle Game is effective in improving numeracy ability of the kindergarten children.