Anticipation of Penalty Kick to a Goal Keeper
The objective of this research is to determine the correlation between speed of reaction (X1), agility (X2) and confidence (X3) with anticipation of the penalty kick (Y). This research was conducted with a sample of 10 respondents selected using purposive sampling. The results of this research are as follows. First, there is a positive correlation between speed of reaction toward the anticipation of the penalty kick. The linear regression is express through ? = -6.74 + 43.82X1.The correlation coefficient 0.773. It means the speed of reaction toward the anticipation the penalty kick is 60 %. Second, there is a positive correlation between agility toward the anticipation of the penalty kick. The linear regression is expressed through ? = -10.42 + 0.86X2. The correlation coefficient is 0.784. It means the agility toward the anticipation of the penalty kick is 59 %. Third, there is a positive correlation between confidence toward the anticipation of the penalty kick. The linear regression is expressed through ? = 27.73 + 0.40X3. The correlation coefficient is 0.784. It means the confidence toward the anticipation of the penalty kick is 61 %. Fourth, there is a positive correlation between speed of reaction, agility and confidence with the anticipation of the penalty kick. The linear regression is expressed through ? = -24.995 + 430.37 X1 + 0.016X2 +0.198X3. The correlation coefficient correlation is 0.9105. It’s mean the speed of reaction, agility and confidence with anticipation the penalty kick is 91 %.