Learning Single Stance Pencak Silat through Computer Based Training (CBT)
The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of a single stance of pencak silat by applying methods of computer based training (CBT) courses to students of Physical Education, Health and Recreation Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Siliwangi. This is an action research involving 67 students who were enrolled in pencak silat course. Techniques of data collection consisted of tests and observations. Several tests were used to obtain data about the single stance of pencak silat skills. Observations used to collect data were related to learning activities involving students and faculty, especially at the time of application of learning tools (computers, cameras, and LCD). The results of this study concluded that the application of learning tools (i.e. computers, cameras, and LCD) are very effective to improve students' skills of pencak silat to master single stance with a level of effectiveness: (1) First cycle increases by 45.8% with a mean value of79.6, and (2) Cycle II increases by 27.4% with an average of 88.73%. This study concludes that the method of computer based training (CBT) was effectively used to improve students’ learning outcomes of a single stance in the pencak silat.