Congruency of Mind between Lecturers and Students in Engineering Disciplines
- Ahmad Esa
- Mahmad Amir Radzali
- Masita Misdi
- Mohd Zahri Jaafar
The discrepancy of learning styles between lecturers and their students can affect academic achievements. Therefore, this study is done to identify the congruency of learning styles between lecturers and students using Gregorc Mind Style Model (1982). In addition, this study is to discover the attributes that influence the mind styles based on gender and academic specialization. Gregorc Style Delineator is (GSD) used to identify the mind styles of 269 lecturers and first year students in University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), randomly and clusterely selected. Chi Square Test is used to determine the differences in mind styles of lecturers and students. T-Test and ANNOVA is also done to identify the influence of gender and academic expertise in determining mind style. This study showed that the congruency of mind styles exists between lecturers and student. The findings suggested that lecturers should consider multiple factors in gender and academic specialization for the effectiveness of teaching and learning process.