Effective Improvement of Talents Management for Continuing of Managing Government
- Ungsinun Intarakamhang
- Narisara Peungposop
The Talent Management System or the HiPPS (High Performance and Potential System) was developed by the Office of the Civil Service Commission (OCSC) for 10 years since 2003 in Thailand. The purposes of this mixed methods research were 1) to develop of the causal relationship models of the effective talent management, 2) to investigate the percent of predict in each group, and 3) to study the current situation and to investigate strategies to improve the talent management to ensure continuity in government administration. The data were collected from five rating-scale questionnaires which the total -item correlation had been .2-.7. and ? is .835-.909. The sample size were 109 talents, 96 coaches, and 100 human resource (HR) staffs who are responsible for the HiPPS system. Data was analyzed by LISREL and content analysis from 9-19 key persons in each 5 group such as executives, coaches, talents, HR staffs and former talents groups. The results indicated that 1) the causal relationship model of effective talent management for all groups were consistent with an empirical data at a strong level, 2) the person and work environment factors had positive effect and could be predicted in all groups regarding effective talent management for 48 percent in the talent group, 83 percent in the coaching group and 66 percent in the HR staff group, 3) the person and work environmental factors that influence the effective talent management, found that there are seven factors that impact in a positive way and two factors, such as positive attitudes toward the talent management, and organization commitment were a major factor that impacted directly positive influence on effective talent management, and 4) the problems of the effective talent management were 4.1) the executives didn’t understand HiPPS or often change their executives, 4.2) the talents could not rotate as individual development plan and low effective coach system, 4.3) the talent development plan didn’t clear and not support from organization. So, strategies of effective improvement should organize for administrative procedure as talent identifying, talent development, talent monitoring and evaluating, talent rewarding and performance management to share knowledge and innovation for continuing of public sector development.