Discriminate Analyses of Motivators and Obstacles on Youth Entrepreneurial Intention
- Ng Kim-Soon
- Abd Rahman Ahmad
- Abu Zar Md Saberi
- Huam Hon Tat
This study investigates the motivators and obstacles to youth entrepreneurship with entrepreneurial intention. Data were collected through 150 self-administered questionnaires distributed to 150 youths. The motivators and obstacles of youth entrepreneurial adapted from previous studies formed part of the questionnaire and were used to discriminate using SPSS software on youth entrepreneurial intentions. It is found that the main motivators for youth intention to become an entrepreneur are that they need to be really serious to start and own a business (p<0.001). On the other hand, youth who are not determined enough to be an entrepreneur is unlikely to become one (p<0.05). This implies that youths who are really serious to start and own a business as would be entrepreneurs can be identified and targeted to develop through government entrepreneurship interventions initiatives.