Policy Implementation Framework and Family-Friendly Work Policy: Evidence from Flex-Working Programs in South Korea’s Public Sectors
The main purpose of this study is to explore factors (e.g., political, organizational, cultural & institutional) that negatively influence the implementation of flex-working programs (i.e., flex-time, part-time and at-home work programs) and thus result in only a very small number of government employees (1.6 percent in 2011) taking advantage of these programs in South Korea’s public organizations. To address, this research uses Mazmanian & Sabatier’s (1989) conceptual framework of the implementation process including three groups of independent variables (e.g., the tractability of the problem(s) being addressed, the ability of the statute to structure favorably the implementation process and the net effect of a variety of political variables on the balance of support for statutory objectives) which exert an influence on the implementation process. Finally, to successfully implement flex-working programs in Korea’s public sector and to attain their primary policy goal of improving an employee’s work/life balance, this research concludes with the three suggestions on policy contents and managerial leadership.