The Effectiveness of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Intervention through Islamic Psychotherapy: The Preliminary Study
- Che Haslina Binti Abdullah
- Zarina Binti Zainan Abidin
- Wan Syakira Meor Hissan
- Rafizah Kechil
- Wan Noorli Razali
- Mohamad Zaid Mohd Zin
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is categorized as psychiatry neurosis. Until today, there are no dominant factors that have been identified in influencing this disease to occur among university students. Problems in education, family, social and many others are some of the issues which result continous anxiety to these university students. This also gives negative psychological and physical effects. Although the treatment from the West manages to cure this illness, this gives negative side effects. From the Islamic point of view, anxiety disorder is seen as a spiritual disease. There is no specific treatment in curing this disease. However, with the practice of Qur’anic verses, Sunnah and also the practice of various ulama’ in the past, this illness can be coped through Islamic psychotherapy, which is one of the alternatives or complimentary ways to the existing treatment. The study uses the qualitative and quantitative research methods. The findings show that intervention through Islamic psychotherapy method gives positive reactions and this helps to reduce Generalized Anxiety Disorder among the university students.