Increase Motivation and Knowledge the Environment through Contextual Model
- Yustina Yustina
- Elya Febrita
The purpose of this exploratory study is to determine the development of curriculum Environmental Sciences which applies scientific lecture materials that are integrated in the environment, application of environmental knowledge, and character development curriculum on motivation. This study involved 45 students who were selected randomly. Data from samples were obtained by using a questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the survey instrument was conducted by performing a pilot study involving 30 students. The findings of the pilot study as a whole shows that each aspect has high reliability with Cronbach alpha values between 0.77 to 0.823. The findings of the study were analyzed using SPSS software 19.0. The analysis of the results showed that the development of curriculum Environmental Sciences which applies scientific lecture materials that are integrated in the environment is at a good level of motivation; the implementation of environmental knowledge is at the average or moderate level of motivation; and character development curriculum is at the high level of motivation. These findings provide information to various stakeholders to develop environment in order to engage students in a campaign or expansion activities in the environmental awareness among the public.