Inquiry-Based Active Learning: The Enhancement of Attitude and Understanding of the Concept of Experimental Design in Biostatics Course
- Suwondo Suwondo
- Sri Wulandari
The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of using active inquiry-based learning in conducting experiment in the subject of Biostatic. The experiment included 1) Instructional Re-designation, 2) planning of the active learning process, and 3) application of the inquiry-based active learning. The sample involved 96 trainee teacher enrolled in biology program in the university of Riau, Indonesia, as respondents, and they were divided into two groups 48 respondents for year 2011 and 48 respondents for year 2012. To collect data, questionnaire, focusing on attitude from peers’ perspectives, whereas the test was given to identify students’ level of understanding the content of biology were employed. As the students were given test after finishing each chapter they learnt. The finding shows that attitude of the students changed after using the inquiry-based learning. In addition, the finding shows that as a result of using inquiry-based learning, achievement of the majority of the students from two groups in 2011 and 2012 was at good level. This means that the inquiry-based learning can be used as one of the method to increase students’ achievement and change their style of learning especially in conducting experiment in science subject.