The Effect of Using Sentence of Question in the Beginning of Mathematics lesson in Primary School
Developing students’ ability in solving sentence questions is one of the important goals of mathematics learning at school, since sentence questions are able to increase the problem solving capability. However, mathematics is one of the subjects, less favoured by the students. Students’ have poor mastery of mathematics other than difficulty in solving sentence questions. This has encouraged the execution of related research concerning enhancement of students’ ability in solving sentence questions. This study aimed to investigate the influence of the use of sentence questions in the beginning of the lesson on the ability of solving mathematical sentence questions among the students of standard five of Primary School under the ministry of education. The study also aimed to examine the impacts of the use of the sentence questions on these students’ attitude towards learning mathematics. The design of this research was quasi-experimental. As for this study, the research design was The One Group Pretest-posttest Design which was included in the Quasi Experimental Design without Control Group, with the sample of 44 students of Class V. Data collection was carried out by recording the test scores and administering the questionnaires on the attitude towards learning mathematics. Research findings showed that there was an influence of the use of sentence questions in the beginning of the lesson on the ability of solving mathematical sentence questions among the students. The contribution of the use of sentence questions in the beginning of the lesson to the enhancement of students’ ability in solving the mathematical sentence questions was as high as 67.17 %. The research also discovered the positive influences of the use of the sentence questions on the attitude of the students towards mathematics learning. Furthermore, this study had given teachers the choice of using one of strategies of learning mathematics which was able to increase students’ learning outcomes and improve their attitudes towards mathematics.