Physical Activity Index among Malaysian Youth
- Norlena Salamudin
- Mohd Taib Harun
Over the last several years, physical inactivity has increasingly been recognized as a major health risk among Malaysians. The Government of Malaysia under the Ministry of Youth has adopted many programs aiming at keeping the nation healthy. Among such programs are Malaysia Cergas and RakanSukan. Trends in the physical activity levels and participation patterns of Malaysians has never been researched or monitored. Thus, there is no available evidence to serve as a foundation for decision making regarding this matter. This research was conducted with the aim of providing a unique insight into the physical activity patterns and fitness levels of Malaysian youths, as well as providing a detailed baseline data that can be use for developing policy and planning physical activity strategies for the youths. This article provides insights into the current physical activity levels among Malaysian youths in the Klang Valley and the prognosis for change; the individual and collective benefits of a more active Malaysia; and, the type of strategies needed to help Malaysians especially the youths, become and remain active.