Urban Life and the Changing City
- Nik Hanita bt Nik Mohamad
- LAr. Zulkefle bin Hj Ayob
Cities hold both the promise of economic opportunities and social mobility yet at the same time are hosts to massive poverty and social exclusion. The nation is confronting a host of problems associated with urbanisation common to the contemporary world, such as the impact of the auto mobile and mass transits, and the pressure of modernity on traditional society and community life. The impacts of our urbanites society coupled with the common issues of modern world certainly had impacted our society and cultural values that we have uphold for generations.This paper takes a critical look at issues plaguing urban life and argues that the perfect modern city living is only in a state of mind and our daily existence are already radically different from the urban images we carry in our minds and hearts. Our city has suffered from the dreary sea of uniformity, lacking in the diversity of orchestration of spaces to completely evoke a complex and dynamic public use.This paper identifies the factors which contribute to the phenomena and that have an impact on the makings of a liveable city. This paper reiterated that the challenge lies ahead of us to make changes and improvement to our cities for the loss of our great public life and public realm in city spaces. Urban public spaces when given prominence and focus can achieve monumentality and serve as a marker or gesture for the public to engage socially. Our city must invest its future in these spaces by creating all the opportunities and forms to respond to a dynamic public environment.