Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Emersion Adolescent Creativity
- Zahra Parsasirat
- Amir Foroughi
- Fatimah Yusooff
- Nasrudin Subhi
- Salina Nen
- Hadi Farhadi
Prior research has attempted to investigate creativity as a behavior resulting from the interaction between the cognitive abilities, social environment and personal characteristics, but very little research has look at the role of environment characteristics on Emersion Adolescent Creativity. Hence, this article focuses on the effect of socioeconomic status on emerging adolescent creativity. In other words, family economic status, father’s education and mother’s education are the three dimensions of socioeconomic status. This exploratory correlational research study examines the relationship between family economic status, father’s education and mother’s education with adolescent creativity. The sampling method was employed to select the proportion of participants using stratified and multi-stage cluster random sampling. The population of the sample was 546 high school students in Education Region 4, Tehran. The participants, 249 males and 297 females, completed two questionnaires. The adolescents completed a Demographic Characteristics Questionnaire and Abedi Creativity Questionnaire, which were used as the measuring tools in this study. The results show a significant positive correlation between family economic status and creativity (p < .01), and between parent education and creativity (p < .01). Interestingly, the analyses revealed a strongly significant positive correlation between parent education and creativity (p < .01), although none was found between males and females on creativity. Conclusions were tempered by the limitations of small to moderate correlations and small effect sizes.