Regional Inequalities in Socio-economic Development in Nassarawa State of Nigeria: A Spatial Analysis for Planning
The pattern of development in any region is largely a function of certain processes ranging from socio-cultural, political, historical to environmental resources that are unevenly distributed over space. The study aimed at examining the spatial inequalities in socio-economic development in Nassarawa State with a view to making a comparative analysis of the pattern of development. Large amount of data were generated from socio-economic variables through the administration of seven hundred and eighty questionnaires among the randomly sampled population in the thirteen local government areas. The field survey also witnessed conducting oral interview and collection of secondary data from relevant ministries, bodies and agencies in order to authenticate the data generated from the respondents. The study adopted location quotient (LQ) analytical technique. The finding shows variations in the overall levels of development. The study area is categorized into upper, middle and bottom based on their performance in the distribution of socio-economic facilities. The upper group include Keffi (58), Akwanga (96), Wamba (113) and Nassarawa-Eggon (129) while the middle category is Keana (156), Awe (169), Doma (179) and Nassarawa (195). The bottom group are Obi (197), Lafia (205), Kokona (207), Toto (216) and Karu (217) in that descending order of performance. Indeed, it depicts a core-periphery spatial pattern of development. Although on the aggregate the co-efficient of localization (0.14) appears to be low, it should not be misconstrued for a balanced development. On the basis of findings, one recommends among other things that communal self-help projects should be encouraged in each area by embarking on building of schools, colleges and health centres. Also, the cooperative movements particularly at community levels can go a long way to solving financial predicaments of the under-privileged and disadvantaged areas. The government can embark upon discriminatory investments in socio-economic activities in favour of the lagging areas with a view to promoting social justice and balanced development not only in the study area but also in Nigeria at large.